03 May 2013

Screen Free Week

Sydney's school sent home a notice last week that encouraged students to participate in "Screen Free" week.  This is a week where students limit or eliminate their "screen" time.  This includes TV, computers, ipods, etc. It is a voluntary program. 

 I saw the sign up slip in her homework folder and threw it out because I didn't think that Sydney would want anything to do with it. I was totally being a "lazy" mom and thought it would be too much trouble if I forced her to do it.  I would have to enforce it and provide alternatives to fill her screen time.  

Sydney loves to watch her favorite shows, "Lalaloopsy" and "Full House."  She also loves to play games on the computer.  It is helpful to me when she is staying busy.   I don't have enough hands for all three kids so when I am busy with the two babies, it helps that Sydney entertains herself.   

So back to the Lazy mom that I am, I tossed the form and went about my day.  Sydney comes home from school on Monday and informs me that she will be participating in the screen free week.  She said she learned about it in school and really wanted to do it.  I was so proud her of!  I totally underestimated her!  I immediately felt guilty for tossing the form out.  

She told me all of the ways that she would entertain herself without any screen time.  She had written her ideas out.  They included playing outside, reading, drawing, playing board games, playing with her American Girl doll and organizing her stuffed animals.


She did really well and demonstrated will power.  Today is Friday and she only had one slip up.  She played a video game with her friend during a play date.   She did not watch any TV for the past 5 days!  

I am proud of her initiative.  She wanted to do this without any encouragement from me.  I am also amazed at her determination.  She set her mind to do this and followed through with it!  I have learned not to underestimate her.  Where is the next place that I can focus all of this positive energy?


  1. I didn't even know LalaLoopsy was a show (my child that age is a boy ;) ). Cool. I did know it was a cute doll.

    Visiting from the hop. Your daughter's a cutie. :)

  2. I know what you mean about throwing out the notice. My kids don't attend public school so I had no clue - but if I had heard about it, I would have thrown it out too. In my opinion, it's too much of an effort to even worry about. There are so many other important things.

    Plus, figuring out how to fill the time. Forgetaboutit.

    I am so glad your daughter took the initiative. I know my kids wouldn't.
