19 May 2013

Mommy Monday Week #6

Each week I will feature the most popular post from the previous week.  The featured post from last week that had the most clicks was
Homeschool Myths from Laugh With Us Blog
The featured post that was my favorite from last week was
You Know You are a Mom When...from There is Grace
If you were featured please grab an "I've Been Featured" Button and display it proudly on your blog!
The Mommy Monday link party is for any posts relating to being a mom.  The posts can be about marriage, homemaking, parenting, crafting, or homeschooling. I reserve the right to remove any posts that I find inappropriate.  I am a born again Christian and want my blog to reflect that.   This blog reserves to delete any posts that it deems inappropriate.
 One of the best parts is the links are added randomly so everyone gets chance to be the first post! 


  1. So fun to see my post featured! Thank you!

  2. Thanks for hosting. So excited to read the posts!

  3. Thanks for the party! Looking forward to browsing through all the links!

  4. Just started following you! Thanks for hosting this party!

  5. Thanks so much for featuring my link from last week. I'm so glad you liked it...I'm back to link-up again!! ~Nancy

  6. Thank you for hosting Miss Amy! Have a fabulous Day! Krista @ A Handful of Everything
