10 April 2013

Baby Shower Decorations

My sister in law Hilary is having a baby girl!  The baby shower was last weekend.  I volunteered to make a hot air balloon decoration.   At first I planned to cut them out by hand.  I did my usual search on Pinterest for inspiration and free templates.  These were some of the ideas I considered:

 None of these ideas seemed quite right. I decided to make my own version. I wasn't happy with how this first attempt turned out. 

My free hand version
Fortunately, a friend of mine said that she had a Silhouette machine that could easily cut out beautiful hot air balloons. 

I decided to make a 6 sided hot air balloon.  I used 3 solid colors and three patterned papers.
The balloons were scored by the Silhouette machine which made them easy to fold.
I glued half of each balloon to the half of another balloon. 
Since the balloons were cut by a machine, each balloon lined up perfectly.

I was really happy with how the balloons turned out!  They looked really great when they were hung from the dining room chandelier.

At the shower, I strung the balloons over the dining room table.

My mother in law and sister in law also made some super cute decorations for the shower. My mother in law cut out the adorable paper dolls by hand.  I also love that they strung baby pictures of the new mommy and daddy.  It was so fun trying to picture what my new niece will look like!

My sister in law made this cute "baby" garland.  It was really cute that she spelled it out in Spanish since my brother in law is Colombian.

Now we all have to wait and see when this little girl will make her entrance to this world.  They are keeping her name a secret until she is born.  I can't wait to meet this little sweetie!

This post is linked up at these link parties


  1. These are super cute! I know they were made for a baby shower, but my daughter would just love making these. I homeschool my youngest child, and think I might throw this in for art. Love the title of your blog. It is so true. Saw you on LWML. Visiting from http://makeitorfixit.com. Stop by when you get a chance.

  2. They are lovely. Thanks for sharing. http://craftwithcartwright.blogspot.co.uk

  3. What a pretty shower decoration! I'd totally put that in my nursery after the shower. Love it! Visiting for the first time today.

  4. Love these!! Pinned this from the Pin It Party!!!
    Karen's Soiree

  5. It all looks so cute! I love the hot air balloons! Thanks for sharing your link with me in the play at home giveaway!

  6. so pretty how your balloon decoration turned out! very, very pretty! :-)
    glad to have stopped by from If It's not Baroque link party! :-)

  7. These are adorable! They would make a great decoration in a baby's room too!

  8. how adorable! I love this idea, and yours are by far the best ones!

  9. Oh, so pretty. I did something similar with hearts on Valentine's Day, but only made them three sided. Love this idea. I'm visiting from the 36th Avenue link party.

  10. Hello, thanks for writing this post.
    I was actually looking for some tips and ideas on baby shower decorations coz my friend was asking me and I got here. Great help! Beautiful decor you have there.

    Cheers xxxx
