10 April 2013

Book Review: The Blessed Church

Title: The Blessed Church
Subtitle: The Simple Secret to Growing the Church You Love
Author: Robert Morris
Genre: Christian Living

I chose to read this book because I am part of our church's leadership team.  We are currently reading a book similar to this that was also written by the pastor of a mega church.  I was curious to see if this book would be more helpful.  I have mixed feelings about this book.

Robert Morris is the pastor of a mega church down in the Dallas, Texas area.  Knowing that, I knew that I would not agree with everything he was advising.  I think that it is very difficult for these mega church pastors to advise the leadership in small local churches.  The dynamic of the two is just too different.

Most small, local churches do not think of growth as a numbers thing.  Most churches aren't striving to become a national televised mega church.  The local church wants to impact their community and bring people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Will this book help to accomplish that goal?  Maybe a little.  I don't think that his explanation is that "simple." 

The author divides the book into six parts: The Gateway Story, Blessed Vision, Blessed Shepherd, Blessed Leaders, Blessed Government and Blessed Church Culture.  This made the book easy to read and easy to navigate if you were looking to read just a particular part.  In the book, like with many "how to" books, you will find both good and bad advice.  Some people will have trouble getting past some of his charismatic statements as well.  I also think that his references to Moses were stretched a bit.

I would recommend this book to pastoral staff and church leadership.  I don't think that it will be effective for small (under 100 member) churches.

Disclaimer:  I received a copy of this book for free from the Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Company in exchange for an honest review.

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