10 April 2013

Book Review- Intentional Parenting

Title: Intentional Parenting
Subtitle: Autopilot is for Planes
Authors: Sissy Goff, David Thomas and Melissa Trevathan
Genre: Christian Living/Family

Like most parents, I am drawn to books that help with my children.  I am used to reading books that focus on making our chidlren change.  This book focuses on the parents making the change.

The authors run Daystar Counseling Ministries in Tennessee.   The authors all have their own style of writing and took turns writing the chapters.  The book has 12 chapters- each one covering a different style of parenting.   Some of the topics discussed are patience, consistentcy, being playful, and a "grown up."

If you consider yourself part of the "attachment" parenting movement, this book may not be for you,  The authors give some "old school" advice when it comes to discipline.  I follow more of a "detachment" parenting style so I agreed with most of their advice.  I also feel like the book is best for parents with children that are school age.

Disclaimer:  I received this book for free from the Booksneeze program through Thomas Nelson Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm I did have my eye on this book, but baby girl is still pretty young! Perhaps I will wait a bit longer. Thanks for letting me know
    Visiting from cozy book hop
