22 May 2013

Linkin With My Ladies #16 Link Party

Thursday blog hop

Welcome to week #16 of the "Linkin with my ladies" Thursday Hop!

With Special Fathers Day giveaway!


Meet This Weeks Featured Blogger:

Erin from "The grass skirt"!

The Grass Skirt

Beauty and style, recipes, health and more! Visit Erin at




Follow on Bloglovin

we encourage you to link up your Bloglovin URL in the Linky tool below our regular linky today. PLEASE LINK UP YOUR BLOGLOVIN URL. Use your blog's URL to link up in our regular linky. You can participate in both!

On to the hop!

Thursday blog hop


Here are the rules:

1. Follow your Host and Co-hosts

2. If you would grab our hop button from the sidebar and display it on your blog we would truly appreciate it!

3. Tweet this hop!

4. If you're new, leave a comment so we can follow you back!

5. Follow those who are kind enough to follow you

Meet our Lovely MAY Co-host team!


Time for a Giveaway!

Just in time for fathers day! Giving away a free "Love gift book" from

Fathers Day giveaway

A customizable coupon book for Dad! Super cute!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you love our hops, you can always add our linky to your blog!

Click here to get the inlinkz code: get the InLinkz code


  1. THanks for hosting! Fan and new follower from linkin with the ladies! http://www.notyourordinarypsychicmom.com and http://www.facebook.com/melissaproductions xo Melissa

  2. Amy, thanks so much to you and the ladies for hosting the party! Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  3. Trying to figure all this Blog hopping out!! Looking for any advice, help and guidance is much appreciated.
    Check me out on
    or www.poshyourself.com
