
What does a vacuum have to do with being selfish?

Our vacuum has gotten a real work out over the last five years!  When it comes to making a mess, we are hard core in this house.  So after five years our vacuum has been acting up.  It still worked but not as effectively as it did when we first purchased it.  I knew that a new one was in our near future but I planned to use it until it died. 

One night last week after my husband got home from work, he ran out to the store to get some materials he needed for work.  When he walked in the door he had a new vacuum with him.  


What was my response?  

No!  I thought to myself...
Why did he get a vacuum without asking me?

I wish that I had a chance to pick it out myself?

Aren't I the one that uses the vacuum 99.9% of the time?

Did we really need to be spending money on a new vacuum right now?

Fortunately I didn't act on those thoughts.  I had a chance to check myself and think it through before I spoke.  I realized how incredibly selfish I was acting.  I thought of the phrase, "first world problems."   I immediately changed my frame of mind to one that was more positive.  I thanked my husband and was grateful for the new vacuum.

 I tried the vacuum out and was excited to see how much better it worked than the old vacuum. I focused on the fact that it was really thoughtful for my husband to surprise me with the new vacuum and to think of me while out shopping.  It was nice of him to buy something for me without me having to ask for it.  

Boy was I being selfish!  I am glad that I was able to readjust my thinking before I spoke!

"Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few."Ecclesiastes 5:2

" I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Philippians 4:11

Free Back to School Printables

It is hard to believe that the first day of school here in NJ is just a few weeks away!  Are you ready for the kids to go back?  I know there are days where I am!  

Here are some free printables to help you start the school year off right!

If your printable was featured in this post, please grab an "I've been featured" button and display it proudly on your blog!

If you decide to use one of these ideas, please leave the blogger a comment to let them know you enjoy their work.  Try to follow their blog or Facebook pages.  All bloggers love to feel the love! Enjoy!

Make your own school binder for each child from Thirty Handmade Days

A ton of back to School printables from Simply Graphics

Free Printables notes to use when the school year begins from Cherries and Berries

Free from

More First Day of School printables for photographing by

Free Printable Back to School Checklist from Bird's Party Blog

Printable Lunchbox notes from Printabelle Parties

Back to School countdown cards from Becoming Martha

Free printable first and final day interviews from Positively Splendid

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