
Skylander Birthday Party with Free Printables

My friend Eileen throws the best birthday parties!  She always has a theme and sticks to it.  She includes even the smallest details.  Her son Gavin and my daughter Sydney are friends so we were present for her most recent bash.  It was Gavin's 8th birthday last week and she threw him a Skylander party.

Never heard of Skylanders?  Honestly, neither had I!  You can learn about the Skylanders on their website here.

All of the food items were labeled according to the Skylander theme:

Sydney with the Birthday Boy


Skylander Themed Party Favors

Ella was one of the Party Guests Pictured here with the Birthday Boy's Sister

 Print Your Free Skylander Printables:

Party Favors

Note:  I have been receiving some feedback that the printables aren't lining up for everyone.  When you click on the link it will look like everything is not lined up.  As soon as you hit the download arrow and download the document, everything will line up perfectly.  


  1. Wow this is so creative! I love all the labels and little touches!

  2. GREAT ideas!! Both of my youngest kids LOVE Skylanders! I am definitely Pinning this!
    THANK YOU!!!

    I found you through Stringtown Home's Tips & Tricks linky party! :)

  3. Cute! Cute! Cute! My best friend just threw her little boy a Skylanders themed party, too! So cute! Your friend really didn't leave out any detail, did she?! :)

  4. Great printables! Stopping by from the Monday Mommy Blog hop at Can't Google Everything. Great site, can't wait to see more.

  5. What a fun looking party! Thank you for spreading JOY and sharing at the Oh What a HAPPY Day party.

    Holly at Not Done Growing

  6. Hi!! Such a cute idea! Thanks for sharing at Thank You Honey's Whatever Wednesday Party!



  7. This is nice! Found your blog through Showing Some Love Hump Day and followed your blog!
    Laura, http://camillaandroman.blogspot.com/

  8. THANKS for sharing this!! I'm pinning for future! The boys would LOVE this!!

  9. So cute! I've never heard of Skylander either but she did a fabulous job with the party. Those smashed sheep cupcakes are too funny!

  10. Never heard of Skylander. She did a great job!

  11. Wow! Thank you so much for linking up with us this weekend at One Sharendipity Place!!
    Sue @TheT2women.com

  12. That is a very creative birthday! I could never do such great themed work. Thanks for sharing at the Friday Follow Along. Hope to see you again at www.leahinspired.com

  13. Great party theme and decorations. I especially love the sheep cupcakes.

    Thank you for linking up to Raising Imperfection!
    Make sure to check back on Friday to see if you were featured.

  14. What a fun party .. I have never heard of Skylanders so thank you for sharing.

    Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection.
    Please come back Friday to see if you were featured. :)

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  15. I am so happy to find this, because my son is all about Skylanders right now! His birthday party is in a little over a week. Perfect timing =)

  16. You did a phenomenal job on the food and decorations! What a great memory you made! Looks like a fun party too! Thanks for sharing at All Things Pretty last week. Sorry I'm a little late visiting after being on vacation. Hope you come back soon!

  17. Hi!
    I was so happy to stumble on your blog. My soon to be six year old is totally into Skylanders so we will be putting together a Skylander Birthday party for him. As we are stationed overseas, I am having to put some 'homemade' things together. I have been trying to print some of your 'free printables' but am getting an 'access denied' error through Google. Am I missing something??

    Thank you so much for sharing this with others!

    1. So sorry, I am not sure why it is denying you access. It looks ok on my end. If you send me an email at adelmanto@aol.com I will email you the printables.

  18. I am also having trouble opening these files. My son's birthday is in a few weeks and he is crazy about all these cool things you have on here for a Skylander party. I will send you an email if you don't mind sending me these printables, we would greatly appreciate it! Thank you so much for your time and being so kind to share these with us!

    1. You can send me an email at adelmanto@aol.com and I will email you back with the printables.

    2. Great pintables! I found your blog thru Pinterest. Thank you for sharing these ideas and emailing me the pintables so I can "jazz" up my grandsons Skylandersv8th birthday party.

  19. Love these Skylanders part ideas!

  20. You are so creative and have made my party so much easier thank you! I was able to print but I don't know how to change the name on the cake topper to my son's name Chase. Can you help? email me at Sumrell4@hotmail.com thank you

  21. Great party! Terrific ideas! So kind of you to share them! I'm a mom... My name is Amy and we are having a Skylanders birthday party for my son Gavin who will be turning 6! Thought this was a cute coincidence and wanted to share.

  22. Great party! I love those sheep cupcakes. Thanks for sharing at Throwback Thursday.

  23. What font did you use on these? When I open them, my computer changes the font to Arial because I don't have the same font. Thanks!

  24. This blog is very interesting and worth spending time on reading.
    birthday party supplies for kids

  25. Thanks for sharing these great Skylanders Party ideas. We used them to help plan my son's 8th birthday party. http://keithaschaos.blogspot.com/2014/04/skylanders-party-prep.html

  26. Replies
    1. It is a Microsoft Word document that you can edit when you open it up. Have fun!

  27. Wow!! What a theme party you did!! I really like all the decoration of your party. I hope you had great time in your party.

    sweet 16 venues nyc

  28. skylander party theme, well !!! to be honest I have never heard about it, but seems to be really a fun time, I will definitely add this to my list of kids party ideas.


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