
That is a strange blog title

My sweet Ella Grace is the reason why I gave my blog the title, "Some of the Best Things in Life are Mistakes."  Getting pregnant with Ella was a mistake.  I know some of you cringed when you read that, but it is true.  She wasn't planned and was a complete and total surprise, a shocker!!   She was the best mistake I ever made!!

Some people have "ooops" pregnancies or unplanned pregnancies but my pregnancy with Ella was nothing short of a miracle.  After having my son Lucas, I had a tube tying procedure as a permanent form of birth control.  It was advertised as being 99.9% effective.  Well, we were the .1%.  The procedure failed.

I had difficult pregnancies.  No, difficult isn't a strong enough word- atrocious, terrible, horrendous.  I had a condition called Hyperemesis Graviderum.  It is very rare and most people haven't heard of it until recently when Princess Kate was diagnosed with it.  It is a severe form of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.  I lost 20% of my body weight and fought dehydration the entire time.  I was in and out of the hospital dozens of times during my pregnancies.  So after having Lucas we decided that I would have my tubes tied.  My body could not go through that again.

God had other plans.  Needless to say, I was in shock when I discovered that I was pregnant 7 months after having my tubes tied.  My son Lucas was just 9 months old.  I was depressed as well as shocked.  I cried for days.  I could not imagine being pregnant again so soon after having my son.  How would I take care of a baby while vomiting all day.  In my misery, I prayed for a miscarriage.  I didn't know what to do.  

God was in control!  I trusted Him and the pregnancy continued.  My husband Aaron was so supportive and knew that this baby was a blessing. It was more difficult than the other two pregnancies.  I lost so much weight that my baby stopped gaining weight.  The doctors decided to induce her at 36 weeks so that she would have a chance to grow.

Ella Grace was such a sweet little baby.  She was a peanut leaving the hospital at just 5 pounds.  I looked at her and knew that every bit of the suffering was worth it.   The mistake was a blessing. 

 Little did I know holding that little baby that she would save my life.  In that picture above, I did not know that I had breast cancer.  I was 37 years old and had no breast cancer in my family history but I had breast cancer.  At this young age, I would not have had a mammogram for many years and I would not have had another breast exam for at least a year.  Six weeks after having Ella I went to my OBGYN for my postpartum checkup and the lump was discovered.  It was discovered that early because of Ella!

The cancer was removed, a full hysterectomy performed and radiation administered.  I am cancer free.  The Lord knew back in the Summer of 2011 when I got pregnant that this baby would save my life.  I spent that summer wondering why the Lord would allow me to be pregnant and it took a year but the Lord answered me loud and clear.

I learned that I need to trust God in all situations no matter how difficult they may be.  Ella is a constant reminder that God loves us and that He is in control.

Ella Grace and me on her 3rd Birthday (March 2015)


  1. Our "mistakes" are God's way of showing His sovereignty. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Although i knew this story (obviously ) i cried reading it!! In my own life i am constantly reminded that indeed, God is in full control... and has the best plan for my life.

  3. tears. We love you and your adorable family!

  4. I always well up when I hear your story. You inspire me, Amy Delmanto! xo

  5. Praise God!! Rejoicing with you in His goodness!!! ...& a very happy birthday to your precious Ella!!
    So glad to "meet" you today! Now following you back via GFC & looking forward to getting to know you through your blog :)
    Enjoy a beautiful weekend with your family!!

  6. What a powerful testimony to the goodness of God! Thank you for sharing!

  7. Love your story! God does perform miracles. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story!!! Love the name Ella Grace.

  8. Hello! We joined the My Favorite Posts Show Off Weekend Blog Party on The Wondering Brain's blog, and it has been so fun to visit blog after blog after blog! You have a wonderful blog and powerful story. Thank you for sharing! We're your new fans! Feel free to check out our blog if you have time. God bless you!

    Cayla and Ashley

  9. Hello! I joined the My Favorite Posts Show Off Weekend Blog Party. I'm following your blog. Great story!

  10. Ohhh, I love this post. I feel the same way about our youngest and her middle name is "Grace" too! I'm a new follower and found you from "My Favorite Posts Show Off Weekend Blog Party!"

  11. I found you threw the weekend blog party. Your story brought tears to my eyes. I'm following you.

  12. Wow! I found you through The Wondering Brain My Favorite Posts Show Off Weekend Party. I just figured you would say your daughter changed your life because you ended up loving her anyway. I had no idea you discovered cancer!

    What an amazing story. I'm glad you're okay, and I'm glad you're able to enjoy many more years with both of your children...whether planned or unplanned.

    If you have ANOTHER child now, I will be super freaked out.

  13. Amy - Thank you so much for joining our Show Off Blog Party hop. I absolutely love this post....Your title is fantastic and your story so beautiful and yes....God has plans for us. I'm so glad that little Ella came along and saved her mommy's powerful.

    Thanks again for linking up today.

    Jules (co-host Show Off Blog party)

  14. What a beautiful story ... that is amazing that because of your little girl you were given "life" in a sense!

    Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection.
    Please come back Friday to see if you were featured. :)

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

    1. Congratulations ~ I featured this post on Feature Fridays today! Make sure to grab our feature button and display it proudly on your blog!

      (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

    2. I am so excited! This is the first time a post of mine has been featured! :) I put your button on my side bar and at the bottom of the post. Thanks so much!

  15. Wonderful! You are so right - God shows us the way when he's ready. I was just saying the other day, both my daughters, conceived in spite of infertility, remind me every day that miracles still happen. So glad I stopped in from the Raising Imperfection hop!

  16. WOW what a great story. God works in crazy ways.

    Also congratulations on your beautiful family!

  17. What a wonderful story and it's a perfect testimony to share, I love this!

  18. We, that is an amazing story. What a blessing Ella Grace is.

    Thank you for linking up to Raising Imperfection!
    Make sure to check back on Friday to see if you were featured.

  19. Hi! Found you on The Wondering Brain weekend blog hop. Wow! I don't even know what to say....this literally gave me chills reading this. I am a believer in everything happens for a reason and apparently like you said becoming pregnant with your daughter saved your life, so it happened for a reason. Thank you for sharing your story! Now following you via GFC.

    Jackie @ The Non-Martha Momma

  20. WOW! What an incredible story! A true miracle and a blessing! I stumbled upon your blog from a link up. I will definitely continue to follow your amazing story now! Please take a look at my blog, I think you will find something you like!
    Lori @

  21. what an amazing story! thank you for stopping by the wondering brain weekend blog hop!

  22. What a beautiful and amazing story! This is my first visit to your blog---so glad I stopped by! Hope you're having a nice week. I've posted the new Homemaking Party for the week and would love to have you link up, if you'd like!

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  23. What an incredible story. Thank you so much for sharing, and sharing honestly about your amazing journey. I look forward to following your family's adventures!

  24. Oh, my goodness. What an amazing story of God's sovereignty! I discovered your blog via the Bloggers' Meet and Greet, and I'm so glad to read about your journey here. Blessings to you!

  25. What a beautiful testimony of God's providence! So glad I found you at today's linkup!

  26. I had to read because of your title...what an awesome God for your miracle!

  27. Stopping by from the meet and greet blog hop. So glad I did what an amazing story. Congrats on Ella and beating cancer.

  28. Wow. Incredible. Thank you for sharing.

  29. Such an amazing story! Sounds like you have a time of life and have made the absolute best of it all! I wish you the best and so glad to hear that you are now cancer free! Thank goodness for miracles (especially sweet little miracles like Ella!) Strong girl!

  30. Isn't it amazing when things like that happen! She's a cutie too! Blessings to you!

  31. What an amazing story! She truly is a miracle! Thank you for sharing and stopping by The SHOW OFF Blog Party :)

    The Wondering Brain

  32. I accidentally got pregnant with my youngest - not planned AT ALL. I had no health insurance. It was devastating. But she is the best mistake I ever made. Thank you so much for linking this up. Much love, Alice @ The Owl's Skull

  33. As the saying goes, everything happens for a reason! Your baby was your saving grace! I am glad you are all well. Thank you for sharing your inspirational story.

  34. What a remarkable story. Amazing to read. I can't imagine what it is to live through.
    Thanks for sharing.


  35. awesome testimony! thanks for sharing

  36. This is an awesome story!! The Lord works in mysterious ways and some of our battle is realizing that we won't always understand His ways. We should definitely trust in Him wholeheartedly!! Found you through the blog hop!!

  37. Congrats! Your baby is beautiful and your blog title is worded perfectly! xo Melissa (children's writer and illustrator).

    Hope you'll checkout my blog

  38. :) Nice seeing you again!! Visiting you from Smile with Us Mondays! :) Would you be willing to join in on this project with us? Check it out...

    <3 Amanda*

  39. Featuring your post this week at The Owl's Skull:). Stop by:). Come link up your new favorites! Much love, Alice

    1. Thank you so much for the feature!!! I really appreciate it!

  40. What a beautiful story! So glad I had the chance to read it.

  41. Stopping by from the "I Love My Post" blog hop and wow! What an amazing story to remind us of His plans for us. Thank you for sharing.

  42. Found you through the Wondering Brain blog hop.

    WOW! Kids are miracles. I definitely don't need reminders to know who is in control - but I am happy that you trusted Him. It always works out when you trust in Him.

  43. That is quite an inspirational story! I've just found you via the NE bloggers weekend hop. I too had hyperemesis with my pregnancies. I look forward to reading your blog! Happy Mother's Day!! xo

  44. Wow, what a story! And what a blessing your daughter is! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Happy Mother's Day!!!

  45. God is truly amazing. I'm so glad that you, through the Lord overcame your situation!

  46. Hi Amy. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your post on Thank You Honey Blog! Your story is beautiful! Truly amazing.


  47. What a beautiful story and glorious testament to the Lord! I can't even imagine how many people He has touched through you and your family. Thank you for sharing.

  48. What a tremendously touching really affirms that things happen for a reason! You have such a positive outlook and clearly lots of love to give those babies.

  49. wow, that is beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  50. wow, that is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  51. What a true blessing your post was to me, tears!!

  52. What a beautiful testimony of God's transforming power! Praise the Lord!

  53. This is truly an amazing story. Thank you so much for sharing it!

  54. God has blessed your family in so many ways. Thank goodness for that little bundle of cuteness!! Thanks for sharing your amazing story at Throwback Thursday.


  55. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing story with this week's Throwback Thursday party.

  56. My second son saved my life. Because he came, the surgeons discovered something left by the last surgeon. Long story, but if he didn't come, I would have been in horrible misery.

  57. What a touching story. Thank you for sharing it! You're right.....and I guess this gives meaning to the saying , everything happens for a reason...... Best of wishes to you and your family

  58. What a blessing! I love how The Lord uses challenging circumstances to grow our faith and reach the hearts of others. I had a tubal after our 5th very difficult pregnancy. Honestly I prayed that if god wanted us to have more kids that I would be the 1%. Just hearing your story makes me remember Shadrach, meshack, abendigo. Just knowing God was able to deliver then was enough... Just knowing God blessed you with a sweet baby blesses me... Thank you for sharing!

  59. Wow! What a testimony! Always so encouraging to see how God works our circumstances for our good. Thanks for linking up to Motivational Monday!

  60. Such a blessing! Thank you so much for sharing and for linking up with us at Spiritual Sundays. Have a great week!

  61. I agree. Many of the "mistakes" i have made have changed and formed me into something I never would have chosen for myself, but am so grateful for. What a beautiful blog and a great way to share good messages. Have a beautiful week!

  62. What a testimony to God's faithfulness! You and your precious Ella Grace have blessed me this morning. Thank you!


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