
Book Review: 365 Pocket Prayers for Mother

Title: 365 Pocket Prayers for Mother
Subtitle: Guidance and Wisdom for Each New Day
Authors: Amie Carlson, Karen Hodge, and Erin Keeley Marshall
 Genre: Devotional 

The very first line of the introduction of this book speaks volumes, 

"Becoming a mother changes us."

It is so very true.  Why do mothers need separate prayer devotional from other people, from other women?   Because being a mother makes you different.  This prayer devotional really grasps what it is to be a mother and the challenges and blessings that come with that title. We need extra encouragement and support!  Being a mom can be difficult yet rewarding.

The book is intended to be completed in a year.  The nice thing about it is that it is not written with dates on it but rather with Day titles.  With the pages labeled by Day instead of Date, there is no pressure to complete a page a day.  As moms that will be such a relief.  

I enjoyed the titles, for example, Day 143 is a Prayer about Burnout, When I feel driven to the ground.   The page then includes a prayer to help you focus your thoughts on the Lord and it also includes a scripture for Bible study.   The pages are short and sweet.   It is not intended to be a devotional for deep study of scripture.

I recommend this book to mothers of all ages.  It would apply to mothers to be, new mothers, seasoned mothers and grandmothers.  You could buy this for yourself or make it a Mother's Day gift!

Disclaimer: I received this book for free from the Tyndale House Publishing Company in exchange for an honest review.

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