Title: Lots of Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids
Author: Whee Win
Publisher: Zonderkidz
Format: Paperback
Genre: Children's Humor
Kids love to laugh! It doesn't take much to set little ones off into a fit of the giggles. Lots of Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids
by Whee Win is the perfect book to start those fits of laughter. The
book contains over 250 jokes. There are 6 chapters of knock-knock
jokes and a final chapter that contains other jokes and riddles. The
knock-knock jokes are sorted into categories: Name Jokes, Place Jokes,
Holiday Jokes, Food Jokes, Animal Jokes and Object Jokes.
I love that the book contains only clean jokes that are appropriate for Elementary age students. I will warn you... some of them are really corny but when it comes to kids the cornier, the better! It is difficult in this day in age to find appropriate humor for kids. You can be assured that this book will not need any censoring on your part!
OR Buy it at Amazon.com for $3.99.
Disclaimer: I received this book for free from the Book Look Blogger Program in exchange for an honest review.