
Free Pi Day Activities

As I have said before, I am a self-proclaimed math geek.   Last year I compiled Pi Day activities on the blog.   For the mathematically challenged, Pi Day is a day dedicated to the number 3.14...  It is celebrated on March 14th, 3/14.

You can see more Pi Day ideas on my Pinterest page. 

Free Printable from TPT

Books for every level to celebrate Pi Day


Free Printable Pi Day Problems


Pi Day Games and Activities

Pie Plate Activity

Pi Day Infographic

Click here to see the most adorable 5th graders singing a Pi Day song to the music of "Dynamite" 

Still need more ideas?  Check out my Pi Day Pinterest board. 

If your idea was featured in this post, please grab an "I've been featured" button and display it proudly on your blog!



And the Winner is...

 Christy Denton!

Congratulations!  You are the lucky winner of the Thirty-One Organizing Utility Tote and Fold N File!

If you didn't win, don't be discouraged.  My friend Lindy is offering 10% off if you order from her page.   Love the Organizing Utility tote, but sad you didn't win?  Great News!  You can get it with a zipper this month for $10 during the Thirty-One February Special


For the month of March there is a also sweet deal on totes

Want it Free?

Contact Lindy if you are interested in hosting a Facebook party, in home party or the best deal yet...becoming a Thirty-One consultant!

More Middle School Science Bulletin Boards

I teach middle school science at the middle school that I attended.  For many of you that would be a nightmare but I love it.  Since I started my teaching career as an elementary school teacher, I love bulletin boards.   

My sixth graders are working on a physical science unit.  I decided to have the students make Bohr Models out of cereal and paper plates.  It was a quick, easy activity and they had so much fun.

I had to take two shots of the bulletin board because one of my 8th graders photo bombed me. :)  


Quick to Listen, Slow to Speak...

Last weekend I was upstairs folding laundry and running around like the usual maniac that I am on a Saturday afternoon.   As a working mom, I catch up on all of the cleaning and laundry on the weekends.  It is a busy life but we are in a rhythm as a family. While I was upstairs, Aaron (my husband) was downstairs with the little ones.  

It was almost nap time so I asked him to straighten up and bring them up for a nap.  By time he did that, I would have their sheets changed, clothes put away and room straightened up.  I cleaned up and waited for them to come upstairs.  When they didn't come up, I went downstairs to see what the hold up was.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a huge mess.  I did not remember  James 1:19...

I did not stop and listen to what they had to say about their mess.  I just started yelling at my husband for not cleaning up and not bringing them upstairs for their nap.  I was tired and cranky but I should have been slow to speak.

There was a mess because they were using the cookie cutters to spell out a message for me in Play doh...

As it has before, my bad mood affected my words.  I immediately apologized and realized that I need to loosen up on the weekends and be kinder to my family.  Yes, it is important to have a clean living space but it is more important to excuse the mess when the kids are having fun with their dad. 

I may need to tattoo James 1:19 onto my forearm to remind me to hold my tongue.


Cure the Winter Blues Giveaway! Win Thirty-One!!

  It is no big secret- I LOVE Thirty-One products!  It doesn't help my addiction that my BFF Lindy is a consultant for the company.  I go to so many of her parties and fall in love with a new product every time.  I devoted an entire Pinterest board to Thirty-One!    I even bought the Thirty-One Room for Two Utility tote just to hold all of my Thirty-One products!
I want you to experience the products for yourself!
Here in NJ we have had an unbearably cold and snowy winter.  So many of us have the winter blues.  So my friend Lindy has generously offered to give away some of her favorite Thirty-One products to help cheer up one lucky winner during this dreary winter.  
You can win a Big Dot Organizing Utility Tote and a Pink Cross Pop Fold N' File.  The value of the prizes is $55!!!!   I own both of these products! I use one of the Fold N' Files on my desk at school and I use the Organizing Utility Tote to carry Lucas and Ella's things into daycare each day.
Fold N' File on my desk at school.
 You can earn lots of easy entries in the raffle below.  One winner will be drawn by Rafflecopter on Saturday night.  Would you love to win?  Enter below!
Want to place an order?  Lindy is offering 10% for anyone who orders through my link.  The discount comes off manually before the order ships.  You can join my online party and place an order at this link.  
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Review: The Perfect Score Project

Title: The Perfect Score Project
Subtitle: Uncovering the Secrets of the SAT
Author: Debbie Stier
Genre: Parenting, Family Relationships
Book Release: February 25, 2014

Here is the description of the book from the editor:

I think you’ll find this book hard to put down
even if you haven’t reflected much lately on standardized
tests or worried how they may affect the students in your life.
In The Perfect Score Project: Uncovering the Secrets of the SAT,
Debbie Stier has skillfully embedded invaluable information and advice within a compelling personal narrative of a devoted and loving mother striving to relate to her teenage kids.
The book probes deep into a ritual of adolescence in this case, taking the SAT. Debbie’s son was approaching the age when he’d begin grappling with the test, and to help him through the ordeal, she decided to research every test prep method imaginable.
As it turned out, the quest played out like a fun Hollywood
movie-not what she expected. 
It began with the College Board’s Question of the Day, which activated Debbie’s anxiety from her own high school SAT experience.Her efforts led her to retake the SAT seven times, shuttling from the Gothic halls of private boarding schools, to the cinder-block gyms of suburban public schools, to an urban high school in the Bronx, where, after passing through a metal detector,testers were greeted by posters advising them to “SAY NO 2 KNIVES.” 
In reading the story of Debbie’s “whatever it takes” effort to rescue her son from underachievement, you may experience a shock of recognition and feel yourself propelled by the same fears and concerns about how your child is going to get into a decent college and realize his or her potential.Debbie’s relationship with her son will resonate with parents everywhere.
You’ll come away from this book having learned a ton and feeling good about the kind of love that makes a mother like Debbie Stier go the extra mile. The book is surprising, hilarious, and, at times, poignant. There are some antic “Perils of Pauline” moments, some wacky characters, and even a parent/teenager war that breaks out. There’s reconciliation and, ultimately, a happy ending.

She took the test 7 times! Can you say "helicopter mom?"  or maybe "tiger mom?"  Either way, when you read this book you can see how much the author loves her son and wants him to succeed.  I took the test once and that was because I had to.  I would never willingly take it again.  I understand the sacrifice that this mother made.  

Most teenage boys and some teenage girls are not fans of studying for the SAT.   Most of them despise the SAT but know it is necessary evil if they want to attend college.  Where should your child start?  What classes should they take?  What prep books should they read?  What are the best test taking rituals?  The author answers all of these questions.  She knows because she tried it herself.  She not only took the test seven times but she studied for it seven times!

I don't see teenagers reading this book but I do think that every parent should.  She does all the work for you.  It is the best "how to" guide to the SAT.  Even if you took the SAT, it was probably 25 years ago and boy have times changed.  She tells it to you straight and gives you advice about where to invest your time and money when it come to prepping for the SAT.

My only disappointment was that I thought the book would be written from a Christian perspective since it was from a Christian publishing company.  There were no references to faith or the Christian life in the book.  I think that praying for your child as they enter this exciting time of their life is the most important thing that you can do!

Disclaimer:  I received this advanced copy of the book for free from Blogging for Books program in exchange for an honest review.


Free Printable Pokemon Valentine Fortune Teller



If you are here in the Northeast then your kids may be home for a snow day for Valentine's Day.  This gives you some extra time to help them make their Valentines.  Need a quick, free and easy idea?  

Print this free Pokemon Valentine fortune teller.  My friend Eileen who created all of the free Skylander printables that I offer on the blog also created this.  I appreciate her sharing it with all of you!

 Need directions to fold the paper?  Click here.

Need directions to play with the fortune teller?  Ask your kids! :)

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