
Book Review: NKJV Apply the Word Study Bible

 Title: Apply the Word Study Bible
Version: NKJV, Red Letter Edition
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Format: Hardcover
Genre: Bibles

I was initially excited to receive the Apply the Word Study Bible.   I have owned several different versions of the Bible through the years and I thought this one might be different since it said "Apply the Word."   You need to not just read God's word but apply it as well.  That can be difficult sometimes.  I was excited about a Bible that would help spell out the daily application of the verses. 

I was disappointed, however, to discover that there were very little application notes in this Bible.   There are plenty of study notes that help you to learn more about what you are reading in the Bible but they are not what I would call application notes.  

Another concern was the very small print.  Even with reading glasses, I think older adults would have trouble with the print.  There is also no room in the margins to take notes or to journal if that is something that you like to do in your Bible.

I would recommend the Bible to new Christians or young adults and teenagers that are trying to learn as much as they can about the Bible.  This Bible has plenty of study notes and color maps.  There are also detailed introductions to each chapter of the Bible. 

I would give this Bible 3 out of 5 stars.
Disclaimer:  I received this book for free from the Book Look Blogger Program in exchange for an honest review.

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