
Want to know how many times your blog posts have been pinned?

What happens after you write a blog post?  If you are like me then you share it on social media.  You may pin your post on Pinterest.  What happens after that?

How do you know if your pin sits there and dies or if it goes viral?  

You can tell if your actual pin gets repinned, but how can you tell if someones repins the repin? 

Is there a way to tell how many times in total that your post has traveled around Pinterest?

I looked for the easiest way to answer those questions and I found a website that will tell you how many times your post appears on Pinterest.  This is not just the number of times that you have repinned it but the total number of times your post has been pinned throughout Pinterest. 

You go to this website and paste in the full web address of your blog post.  

The site will then tell you how many times your post has been pinned on Pinterest.  This is not just your repins, this is the total number of pins. 

Here is what it looked like when I entered my most popular post:

My most recent post has not been pinned quite as much:

Go ahead and try it out!  It is fun to find out what pins are popular!  You may be surprised.


Book Review: I Like Giving

 Title: I Like Giving
Subtitle: The Transforming Power of a Generous    Life; Practical Ideas, Inspiring Stories
Author: Brad Formsma
Genre: Christian Living

The description of "I Like Giving" on Amazon states: When you choose to live a generous life, you start to change and so does the world around you. Something incredible happens when giving becomes your own idea, not something you do out of duty or obligation.

When you move from awareness to action, miracles happen. As you make giving a lifestyle, you’ll realize you’re not only loving life more, you’re also creating a more generous world— a better world for all of us.

Rich with inspiring stories and practical suggestions, I Like Giving helps you create a lifestyle of generosity. Inside you’ll find:
• Giving—something you get to do, not something you’ve got to do.
• How to raise kids with a sensitivity to others’ needs.
• You don’t have to be a millionaire to make a difference.
• Practical ideas for giving to people around you every day.

I Like Giving is about experiencing the joy of giving. We all have something to give. Giving goes way beyond money or things. It can be a listening ear, a touch, or simply the gift of time. Giving is living.

My parents are some of the most generous people I have ever known so I was excited to read a book about giving.  I chose to review this book because it advertised practical ideas for giving.   I wanted practical ideas and inspirations so that I could follow the model set by my parents.   Sadly, the book did not follow through.  There were many inspirational stories that real people shared of how they helped others but unfortunately there were few practical ideas on how to implement that into the average person's daily life. 

I also felt that the book focused more on the fact  that a person should give because it will make them feel better about themselves.  I felt like the book should have focused more on giving to meet the needs of others rather than giving for selfish motives.

Finally, I was really disappointed with the lack of Biblical references in the book.  As a book from a Christian publisher labeled Christian living, I expected the book to have a basis in the Bible.  There are so many references to giving in the Bible.  There are also many examples of generous people in the Bible that were not mentioned in this book.  I was most disturbed by the fact that the author did not even mention the most generous gift of all, God's gift of his Son so that we could be forgiven of our sins and have everlasting life.  

I don't feel that I can recommend this book.  I would give between 1 to 2 stars. 

Disclaimer:  I received this advanced copy of the book for free from Blogging for Books program in exchange for an honest review. 


Why You Should Vote for Candace Cameron Bure on DWTS...

 I stopped watching Dancing with the Stars (DWTS) many seasons ago.  I used to watch it in the early seasons but I stopped watching a few seasons ago.  It used to be a fairly family friendly show (it airs during the 8:00 family hour on the east coast) but in recent years it has gotten progressively more inappropriate.   Some of the dancers are performing in barely more than their underwear.  It is mostly the outfits on the female dancers that have crossed the line.  
So why have I started watching again?  Candace Cameron Bure!  You may remember her as eldest daughter DJ Tanner from Full House.  You may have watched her as a kid or may have a daughter now like mine who watches Full House in reruns before bed at night.  

Candace Cameron Bure is a Christian that is not shy about her faith.   On the show last night she performed in a modest dress (pictured below) and in an interview during the show stated that she planned to be a role model and wear modest costumes.  She is a woman who has the courage to stand by her morals and stand up for her faith.

She was also quoted as saying that she wants to be an inspiration for other moms,  "I want to represent all the moms out there and inspire them and encourage them," she explained. "I'm just a woman, I'm not any different than all the moms out there -- my priority is my family, my husband, my kids and so this for me is truly just a joy. It's something I've never done and to get the opportunity to do this is fantastic. I'm just going to enjoy every moment. We're working hard of course, but I'm thrilled to just be able to work hard and do this." 

Last night, Candace and her dance partner Mark finished 2nd after the scores from the judges.  The way the show works, one couple is voted off each week.  The couple with the lowest scores goes home.  The score is a combination of the scores from the judges and the votes from the viewers. That is where you come in!

You need to vote for Candace!  I am voting for her for several reasons:

1.  She works really hard and does a great job dancing.

2. She is a Christian that is not afraid to share her faith.

3. She wants to be an inspiration to other moms out there.

4. She is a champion for modesty.  You can be modest and still look beautiful and be successful.

5. She is bring the "family" back into what used to be a family show. 

Without your votes, her strong finish with judges will not be enough to keep her in the game.    I would love to show the mainstream media that it doesn't take a skimpy outfit to win at this game, that morals and conviction can win as well.  I want Candace to show that the talent and hard work are what matters not the sex appeal. 

Join me in voting for Candace and her family values!


Ella's Elmo Party

 My Sweet daughter Ella Grace turned 2 this weekend.  It is hard to believe that she is already two.  If you missed her miraculous birth story, you can read it here.

We had a small family party for Ella.  Since Ella loves Elmo right now, the party had an Elmo theme. 

My friend Eileen made Ella the most adorable Elmo birthday cake.

The filling of the cake was red velvet and it was delicious.

I made goody bags for Ella's siblings and cousins.  I bought red lunch sacks at the dollar store and filled it with a small toy.  I cut out  circles from white card stock and used a black Sharpie to color the eyes.  I cut an oval from orange card stock for the nose. This was inexpensive and super easy to make

My students made this banner for Ella.  I made one flag as a sample and two of my students stayed after school one day to help and make the rest of the flags.  One of my friends and fellow teachers cut out the letters for the banner.  It was a real team effort.  I think it turned out great!

Ella's Nana bought Elmo balloons to add the finishing touch to the Elmo theme.  Ella loves balloons!

Ella wore her #2 shirt that was lovingly made by her Aunt Becky

With a little help from Daddy, Ella was able to open her own presents this year.

Ella loved opening presents this year.  You can tell by the look on her face that she really understood what was going on.

 Then it was time to sing happy birthday...
Ella did not enjoy the birthday singing.

She calmed down pretty quickly.

She was feeling better and trying to sneak a lick at the cake.

It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed celebrating the blessing that is Ella Grace. We thank the Lord for the gift that he has given us!


Free Easter Printables

I have compiled the best free Easter Printables that I could find! As always, if you choose to use one of these free printables please let the blogger know by leaving a comment or by following their blog.

Matthew 28:5 Free Printable

Free Christian Easter Printable

Available in two colors

Free Printable

Free Easter Printable

Free Peeps Treat Printables

Free Printable Jelly Bean Prayer

Great for Homeschooling Moms to Use!

This is not free but worth the $4.50 charge

Still Need Even More Ideas?  Check out my Easter Pinterest Board.

If your idea was featured in this post, please grab an "I've Been Featured" button and display it proudly on your blog!



Free St. Patrick's Day Printables

I have compiled the best free St. Patty's Day Printables that I could find! As always, if you choose to use one of these free printables please let the blogger know by leaving a comment or by following their blog.

Free No Pinch Zone Sign

Free Printable Sub Way Art

School Snack Free  Printable

Free Soda Pop Free Printable

Anti Pinch Polish Free Printable

Free Lucky Charms Printable

Free Home Printable

Free Printable Cootie Catcher

St Patty's Day Rainbow Loom card

Free Printable Leprechaun Hat

Generation Kid compiled 10 St. Patty's Day Bookmarks

Free Printable and Gift Idea

Lucky Charm Printable


Free Printable Jokes for St Patty's Day

Need More Ideas?  Check out my previous St. Patty's Day Roundup:

Still Need Even More Ideas?  Check out my St. Patty's Day Pinterest Board.

If your idea was featured in this post, please grab an "I've been featured" button and display it proudly on your blog!


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