
The Blind Man Meets The Blind Side

I just got back from a four day trip to Columbus, Ohio with my BFF Lindy.  She is a consultant with Thirty-One gifts and earned her ticket to the National Convention.  Since we live in New Jersey, it was going to require a flight and a hotel stay to attend so she invited me along for the trip!  We had so much fun, girl time together.  


One of my favorite parts of the trip was one of the speakers: Leigh Anne Tuohy.  You may recognize the name.  She was the mom that Sandra Bullock portrayed in the movie "The Blind Side."   She spoke to us in a stadium of about 15,000 people.


She shared with us the inspirational story of how her family adopted their son Michael Oher.  She told us how true to life the movie was.   She said that her family really was driving down the road to breakfast on Thanksgiving weekend when they saw Michael walking along the road.  They turned their car around to go back for him which began the amazing journey for their family.  Their journey started with their white family adopting a homeless 6'6" black teen and ended with that teen becoming the starting right tackle for the Tennessee Titans!

Leanne Tuohy also told us the Starfish story.

She encouraged all of us to make a difference where we can.  God may not be calling all of us to go out and look for 6'6" black teenagers to adopt but God is certainly calling us to help others.  He is placing those who need help right in front of us everyday and we just need to open our eyes and look for it.  We need to respond when we are called.  We may not be able to help every single person but we can help those right in front of us.

I left the arena feeling inspired and recharged.  I took the shuttle bus back to my hotel.  As our bus sat at light in the middle of the busy city of Columbus (the capital of Ohio) I noticed a blind man with his walking stick waiting to cross the intersection.   Our bus pulled up to our hotel and as we all filed out of the bus, I realized that the man was still standing at the intersection.  I watched as dozens of people walked past him as they crossed the street.  The light changed several more times as I watched.  Surprsingly, no one offered to help the man cross.  Why was no one offering to help?  There was my person right in front of me.  The Blind Side had met this blind man.  I was not going to walk right by like I might have in the past assuming that he was ok.  I know that those people were probably thinking that he would ask for help if he needed it, right?  So I walked up to him and gently had a conversation with him...

Me: Excuse me. Would you like some help crossing the intersection?

Him: No

Me: Thinking...Hmmm I guess I was wrong when I thought he needed help

Him: I just need help figuring out where I am.  I got myself all turned around walking through the streets and I don't know what intersection I am at.  Can you tell me?

Me: Sure!  You are facing 3rd Street and State Street is on your left.  The Sheraton Hotel is behind you.

Him: (Sigh of Relief) Ahh!  That makes sense now!  Thank you so much!

Me: No Problem!  Would you like help getting across?

Him: Nope! That's the easy part!

He then heard the chirping of the light that signaled him to cross and away he went with a smile on his face.
Lindy and I at the Thirty One awards dinner

 I was really inspired by Leanne Tuohy to act.  I am not sitting here patting myself on the back, I am aware that helping someone cross the street is not worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize.   My point is that if we all start responding to the situations and people right in front of us, then helping others will become a habit and the world will become a better place!

Stay tuned for more upcoming blog posts about my time with Lindy at the Thirty-One convention!

Don't know what Thirty-One is? Check out Lindy's web page here!


  1. Sounds like a truly inspiring trip and a good reminder that we can all do a good turn, a little kindless can bring alot of happiness. #MagicMoments

  2. Wonderful post, it sounds like you got a huge amount out of your trip and this post has left me smiling and nodding. It really doesn't take a lot to make a difference to someone's day x #MagicMoments

  3. So glad you had a great time and I loved the starfish story - it rings true on so many levels #magicmoments

  4. Great post, and one which makes me think about attitudes in life.

    I remember seeing an advert in the London underground many years ago. There was a picture of a blind man on a crowded street, clearly in need of some help. The picture showed the thought bubbles of people standing around - everyone had an excuse not to help him - "someone else will help", "I'm too busy", "He's probably OK", etc. it was very sad that it so accurately represented what happens, so when that single candle in the dark helps someone cross the road (or throw a starfish back into the sea) , that's a real treasure! :)

    God bless,

  5. Hi Amy. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Conference and were inspired by Leigh Ann. She has an amazing story and you completely understood her message that you can make a difference in the world by making a difference in just one life - no matter how small. At the Conference, we also were practicing a movement called #Share31, where we encouraged people to perform a random act of kindness and post it to social media using the hashtag #Share31, and Thirty-One Gifts will make a donation of 31 cents for every post to the Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio, up to $10,000. The campaign also is going on in Denver for their RMH house.
    Sara West
    Thirty-One Gifts

    1. Sara,

      Thanks for stopping by! I will share this post with the hashtag on FB and Pinterest. I truly enjoyed the conference!


  6. Wonderful post! Sounds like an inspiring trip. Thanks for sharing at the Bloggers Brag Pinterest Party.

  7. What a wonderful post and a great reminder for all of us to help others whenever we can. Thanks for sharing this lovely post on Merry Monday.

  8. Practising what you learned! Amazing stories in one post =) #magicmoments

  9. There is amazing power when we obey the inner voice of God which urges us to be all that love intends. Thank you for sharing how the helping of another can alter both perspectives.

  10. Thank you for passing on the inspiration. Not only did you help that blind man, but who knows how many people will be inspired by your story to help just one other person today? So glad to find you at Thoughtful Thursdays!

  11. Thanks for sharing! Loved your post- this is exactly the reason we foster. I wish I could do more, but it is making a difference for kids that come through our doors and I love the fact that our bio sons see helping others in the name of Christ as normal and just something we do because we've been saved through grace. It's our job to extend that grace to those around us :) I'm so glad you linked up today- I really enjoyed reading your story!
    -S.L. Payne, uncommongrace.net

  12. Amazing post. So inspiring and I love that you helped him in what ever way he needed. I chuckled at the easy part when he replied. Great story and glad you had such a great time with a good friend. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

  13. I got goose bumps reading this. I loved The Blind Side, how wonderful that you had a chance to hear Leigh Anne Tuohy speak!

    If we are open... God will use us in all sorts of ways.

    Thank you for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  14. What a great story - I love reading stuff like this as you only hear about the bad things that are happening in this world anymore. And that would have been an amazing talk to listen to! Thanks for sharing!

  15. What a great story. You have probably made a difference to several 'Starfish" with just sharring this. Thanks so much!

  16. What a beautiful post, Amy. Leanne is such an amazing woman and how blessed you are to have seen her and heard her speak! I will never forget the first time I saw that movie-it really moved me to tears.

    Thanks so much for sharing the starfish story too!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in oz

  17. That would be an amazing talk to hear! I agree! If everyone did even just a small act for another person every day it would make the world a better place. Thanks for linkin to Sunday FUNday!

  18. I have never heard the starfish story, but I love it! It must have been great to listen to her speak!

  19. This is such an inspirational message! It's amazing what God can do! So happy you shared this with the NEW #PinFest!

  20. What a great story! I'm pinning this to the Bloggers Brags board. Thanks for coming , I hope you come again soon!

  21. Love that your eyes and ears are open and you were ready to act! So many times we aren't thinking about acting, and miss so many opportunities. Thanks for sharing at the Saturday Soiree Blog Party!

  22. Thanks so much for sharing this at the Say G’Day Saturday Linky Party. I will be featuring you at my weekly Friday Favorites post!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz


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