
Resolutions for My Facebook Friends

 If you read my post last year about resolutions, you know that I have a problem with them.  I don't write New Year's resolutions for myself, I would much rather write resolutions for other people.  

I may lose Facebook friends over this post but I write this anyways.  This year I am going to write resolutions for all my Facebook friends.

2014 New Year's Resolutions for My Facebook Friends: 

1. I resolve not to post about my exercise routines.  I will not post how many miles I have run or post pictures of myself exercising at the gym.  I understand that no one needs to know this.

2. I resolve not to post pictures or status updates with curse words in them.  It is just unnecessary.  As an adult, I should be able to express myself without being vulgar.  I understand that some of my Facebook friends may have children that can read and if they walk by a computer and see their parent's FB feed they should not have to read that nonsense.

3. I resolve not to declare my undying love for my significant other through Facebook.  I will yell into the next room and tell them in person rather than declaring it through my Facebook feed.  I am aware that this might make my Facebook friends throw up in their mouth when they read it. 

4. I resolve not to over use the "count down" post.  I will only post major milestones until the "big event."  I will avoid daily updates such as "only 187 more days until our sweet baby is due" and then the next day "only 186 more days until our baby is due."  I am aware that my Facebook friends can do simple math and can figure out how long it is until the baby is due without the daily updates. 

5. I resolve not to be depressed on Facebook.  I vow not to complain about being single and how I wish I had a boyfriend.  I will try to be content with whatever my marital "status" may be.  

6. I resolve to check all of my "controversial articles" on Snopes before I share them on my news feed.  It is a simple step that I can take to help stop the spread of misinformation.  

7. I resolve not to post pictures of my feet.  I don't need to explain this one.  Feet are gross and I understand that no one wants to see that. 

8.  I resolve to try not to post about my "first world problems" on a daily basis.  I understand that chipping my nail polish does not qualify as a crisis for my Facebook friends.

9. I resolve not post pictures of myself "clubbing," especially if I am over 30 years old.  Again, no one wants to see that.

10. Finally, I resolve not take "selfies" during the year 2014.  "Selfies" are not attractive for anyone that is not a child.  

What resolutions would you like to see written for your Facebook friends?



2013: Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes

One of the benefits of blogging for me is that I can look back at old blog posts and see where my life was a week, month or year ago.   When I look at where I was at the end of 2012, I see that I am in a much different place now.   2012 was the year of the good, the bad and the ugly.  2013 was very different,  the year of many changes.  

1. Aaron lost his job at the end of 2012 and in January of 2013 he got a new job

2. I went from being a cancer patient to being cancer free!

3. I went back to teaching after spending three years home with the babies. 

4. My kids grew a lot!  I know- they do that.  It just seems like such a difference from last year. 

It was a really good year and our family has much to be grateful for.  I look forward to seeing what the Lord has planned for us in 2014!


My Most Pinned Posts of 2013

Here are my blog posts that have been pinned the most this past year.  Just click on the pictures to see the entire post.

Want to pin them for yourself?  Just hover over the picture and click the PIN IT button.
This post contains free Skylander Party printables.  I blogged about a party that my friend threw for her son.  She did a fantastic job!  It has been pinned over and over!
I love that this post has been pinned so many times!  I am glad that people are seeking the Lord in times of trouble!
This post was about my brand new middle school classroom.  I teach middle school science and this picture of my bulletin board has been flying around Pinterest!

I guess Do a Dot markers were popular this year!
A post about the decoration at my sister in law's baby shower
This post is a tutorial of how I made a first birthday banner for my daughter Ella's birthday.
Who doesn't love Star Wars?

It is cold here in the Northeast. Think warm thoughts!
This post has been getting lots of pins long after Mother's Day has passed.
This post was fun to put together. My post popular post to date!
Christmas is over yet this one keeps getting pins!
One of my most recent pins and it has already taken off on Pinterest!

What will 2014 bring?

What would you like to see on the blog?


New Year's Eve Ideas for Kids

Looking for some fun, kid-friendly ideas for New year's Eve?  Here are the best that I could find on Pinterest...

If you decide to use one of these ideas, please leave the blogger a comment to let them know you enjoy their work.  Try to follow their blog or Facebook pages.  All bloggers love to feel the love! Enjoy!

Kid Friendly Champagne Ideas


New Year's Eve Party Favors

Make Your Own Balloon Drop

Countdown Balloons

Free Goals and Resolution Printable

Countdown Bags

Create Your Own Photo Booth

Blessings Jar- You can start one this New Year's Eve so that you can use it for next New Year's Eve

Resolution bookmarks and door hangers

If your printable was featured in this post, please grab an "I've been featured" button and display it proudly on your blog!


The Best Christmas Teacher Gifts I Received This Year

So I will admit it, the day before Christmas break as a middle school teacher can be insane.  OK, it is comparable to an insane asylum that ran out of straight jackets!  

There are some fun moments too.  The class mothers this year did a fantastic job putting together our class party.  The kids had so much fun!  They planned some really fun games for the kids.  

Another fun part of the day is getting teacher gifts.  It is like being a kid on Christmas morning! I love to see the children's faces as they come up to my desk with their cards or gifts.  

The question I get asked the most by people that know I am a teacher is, "What should I get my child's teacher?"  

For me, honestly, I don't expect anything.  They really don't need to give me a gift.  When they do though, it does make me feel really special and appreciated.  Of course, gift cards are really helpful.  What I enjoy most is reading the cards and notes that were written by the kids.  Since I teach middle school, the kids are old enough to write their own sentiments.  

Here are some of the cards that made me smile...

So when planning a gift for your child's teacher, don't forget to have your child write out a note.  Make sure they share how they feel about their teacher.  It will touch their heart!


Christmas House Tour (busy mom style)

Have you seen the blogs that joined the Christmas House Tour movement?  These bloggers post tours of the Christmas decorations in their homes.  If you haven't seen one of these posts, you can check one out at at my sister in law Hilary's blog.   Most of these bloggers, like my sister in law, are people who have an eye for design & decor and have a knack for DIY.  

Their homes are gorgeous and can sometimes make a regular homeowner like myself feel a bit inadequate.  So if you are feeling  abit overwhelmed too, I will make you feel a little better about yourselves.  I am posting a tour of my Christmas decor.  

Some homes have a "theme."  My theme this year is "child friendly."  With three small kids, all of my decor has to be either child friendly or edible.

 These are Nativity scene magnets on the inside of the front door.

We decided to skip the full sized tree this year and go with a smaller tree that fits on the dining room table.  This stops the two littlest Delmantos from messing with the ornaments.  The table is in the front window so the tree can also be seen from the street and gives the appearance of a full sized tree.

Advent Calendar hanging on the hall closet door.

We hang our Christmas cards on the kitchen cabinets. 

I love to use artwork made by the kids as Christmas decor.  Sydney made this 5 years ago and I hang it up every year in the front hallway.

I have an 8x10 portrait of each child hanging in the hallway downstairs.  We made Christmas lights to hang under each of their pictures.

We each have a matching stocking hanging on the staircase.

Sydney loves to create decor to hang on the walls.

 Did you decorate for Christmas?   Do you have an eye for design?  Share a link to your blog if you blogged about your house this Christmas!

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