Last weekend I was upstairs folding laundry and running around like the usual maniac that I am on a Saturday afternoon. As a working mom, I catch up on all of the cleaning and laundry on the weekends. It is a busy life but we are in a rhythm as a family. While I was upstairs, Aaron (my husband) was downstairs with the little ones.
It was almost nap time so I asked him to straighten up and bring them up for a nap. By time he did that, I would have their sheets changed, clothes put away and room straightened up. I cleaned up and waited for them to come upstairs. When they didn't come up, I went downstairs to see what the hold up was.
I walked into the kitchen and saw a huge mess. I did not remember James 1:19...
I did not stop and listen to what they had to say about their mess. I just started yelling at my husband for not cleaning up and not bringing them upstairs for their nap. I was tired and cranky but I should have been slow to speak.
There was a mess because they were using the cookie cutters to spell out a message for me in Play doh...
As it has before, my bad mood affected my words. I immediately apologized and realized that I need to loosen up on the weekends and be kinder to my family. Yes, it is important to have a clean living space but it is more important to excuse the mess when the kids are having fun with their dad.
I may need to tattoo James 1:19 onto my forearm to remind me to hold my tongue.

Great post! I can definitely relate! In the busy-ness of being a mom it is easy to get caught up in all the tasks that need to get done and get irritated at anything or anyone who gets in the way of that. I've been trying to slow down and appreciate the little moments with my kids more, and not stress as much if there are piles of stuff here and there. Thanks for your honesty, and the biblical reminders!