I have been nominated for a Liebster Award! I was nominated for this award by The Mother Chuckler Check out her blog, She writes openly about her struggles with PPD and OCD. I can totally relate!
The Liebster award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It is not an actual trophy or award but still an honor.
The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest,
dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and
If the nominee decides to accept the award, they must:
1. Answer the 11 questions posed
2. Post 11 facts about themselves
3. Nominate 5-11 bloggers
4. Tell them they have been nominated
5. Create a list of 11 questions for the nominees to answer
Here are the 11 questions that I have been asked and my answers:
1. Toilet paper is it under or over? Over!
2. The chore you loathe the most. Scrubbing the tubs and showers
3. The last thing that made you cry or tear up. I was watching Little House on the Praire today and Pa made me cry.
4. What fictional character would you like to meet. Atticus from To Kill a Mockingbird
5. Dust bunnies under your couch? always
6. TV series you were sad/mad to see end. The original Law & Order
7. Cheapo spa day-one activity is all you get; what do you pick? spa day? What's that :)?
8. Judge Milian, Judge Judy Judge Toler (People's Court, Judge Judy, Divorce Court). none- they are so fake
9. Song that was recently stuck in your head-could even be a jingle from an ad. The 1 877 Kars for Kids song on the radio
10. Your fictional boyfriend/girlfriend is in a band-what does he/she do? He owns it!
11. The mark you hope to leave on this planet-your legacy? Hope to inspire others to grow closer to the Lord!
2. The chore you loathe the most. Scrubbing the tubs and showers
3. The last thing that made you cry or tear up. I was watching Little House on the Praire today and Pa made me cry.
4. What fictional character would you like to meet. Atticus from To Kill a Mockingbird
5. Dust bunnies under your couch? always
6. TV series you were sad/mad to see end. The original Law & Order
7. Cheapo spa day-one activity is all you get; what do you pick? spa day? What's that :)?
8. Judge Milian, Judge Judy Judge Toler (People's Court, Judge Judy, Divorce Court). none- they are so fake
9. Song that was recently stuck in your head-could even be a jingle from an ad. The 1 877 Kars for Kids song on the radio
10. Your fictional boyfriend/girlfriend is in a band-what does he/she do? He owns it!
11. The mark you hope to leave on this planet-your legacy? Hope to inspire others to grow closer to the Lord!
11 Facts About Me (not the obvious ones)
1. My feet are huge! I am a size 10.5 in ladies and a 9 in mens
2. I LOVE to read!
3. I used to run track. I was an All American in the 55m dash back in 1996.
4. I didn't walk at my college graduation because I was in Sarajevo, Bosnia.
5. I am allergic to celery. It is 95% water and it can kill me.
6. I want a tatoo but I am too scared to get one.
7. I have a lead foot. I drive way too fast.
8. I didn't see my first movie in a movie theater until I was 15 years old.
9. I graduated high school with only 33 kids in my senior class.
10. My dream job would to be an FBI agent.
11. I despise cooking. I would much rather clean up the meal than cook it.
My Nominees:
Claudia Castro from Pretty Little Dahlia
Nicole from Life With 3 Boys
Krystle from Life Revolves Around Them
Lynn from Turnips to Tangerines
Danielle from Motivating Mommy
11 Questions for my nominees:
1. What is your greatest accomplishment?
2. How do you think a person gets to Heaven?
3. Cats or Dogs?
4. Why did you start blogging?
5. What is the most recent book you have read?
6. What TV show do you watch that you are embarressed to admit?
7. What is your favorite season and why?
8. If you had to be stranded on an island with one celebrity, who would you pick?
9. You could magically learn a new language, which one would you want to speak?
10. Mac or PC?
11. Minivan or SUV?

Pa would make me cry also!
ReplyDeleteGood one about meeting Atticus!
I had a Fresh Beat song stuck in my head when I came up with that question!
lmao about your bf owning the band!!!
Great legacy also!
Well deserved award :)
Congrats on your award. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a size 10 foot and proud. ;)
Thank you so much I feel so honored!
ReplyDeleteI'm stopping by from the Linkin' With My Ladies blog hop to thank you for hosting and let you know I started following on google friend connect and Bloglovin'.
ReplyDeleteAshley @ http://downsizingashley.blogspot.com/
Hi! I am Jei Crochet from Cutey Patuty Crochet. And I am giving you another liebstr award I chose you and ten other bloggers. Congratulations!
Yay! thanks for the nomination, thats awesome :)
ReplyDeleteClaudia @ www.prettylittledahlia.com
Good answers and some nice questions for the next ones! Our mark we hope to leave is similar. I got the award, too. Just posted mine today. Debbie @ ilovemylemonadelife.com