
Activities to Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with your Children!

Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with your kids this year on Monday, January 21, 2014.   It is a time to for our nation to remember the injustices that Dr, King fought.

"The national holiday honoring Dr. King is an occasion for joy and celebration for his life and his work toward nonviolent social change in America and the world. Traditionally, we celebrate holidays with parties, family picnics, fireworks, a trip back home or to the seashore. However, we must also be mindful that this is a special holiday - one which symbolizes our nation's commitment to peace through justice; to universal brother- and sisterhood; and to the noblest ideal of all: a democratic society based on the principles of freedom, justice and equality for all people. Whether you celebrate Dr. King's birthday on January 15th or during Black History Month, the holiday is an occasion for thanksgiving, unselfishness, and rededicating ourselves to the causes for which he stood and for which he died." - See more at: http://www.mlkonline.net/holiday.html#sthash.Cbpb7fQL.dpuf

"The national holiday honoring Dr. King is an occasion for joy and celebration for his life and his work toward nonviolent social change in America and the world. Traditionally, we celebrate holidays with parties, family picnics, fireworks, a trip back home or to the seashore. However, we must also be mindful that this is a special holiday - one which symbolizes our nation's commitment to peace through justice; to universal brother- and sisterhood; and to the noblest ideal of all: a democratic society based on the principles of freedom, justice and equality for all people. Whether you celebrate Dr. King's birthday on January 15th or during Black History Month, the holiday is an occasion for thanksgiving, unselfishness, and rededicating ourselves to the causes for which he stood and for which he died." - See more at: http://www.mlkonline.net/holiday.html#sthash.Cbpb7fQL.dpuf
If you decide to use one of these ideas, please leave the blogger a comment to let them know you enjoy their work.  Try to follow their blog or Facebook pages.  All bloggers love to feel the love! Enjoy!

Free MLK Jr. Poster Activity

This teacher offers a whole bunch of freebies on her TPT page

I love how this blogger shares photos and memories of MLK Jr with his children

Help your kids get to know MLK Jr with this story of MLK Jr with comprehension questions

Create a Mini Book about MLK Jr.

This blogger compiled books and videos to use to teach your children about MLK Jr.  Her post is a MUST SEE

This teacher offers this FREE printable on her blog

Teach your children about diversity with this super easy demonstration

This is one of the four posters offered as a FREEBIE on this site.  Print them out and hang them up at home or in your classroom!

This blogger posted pictures of all the MLK Jr activities that she did with her class last year.   She has them available for purchase in her TPT store.

MLK Jr Color By Number free printable sheet

Create a Peace Wall in your home

Continue the conversation about peace with your children during lunch

A picture can say a thousand words

If your post was featured, please grab an "I've been featured" button and display it proudly on your blog!


  1. Great resources. We moved to the US from UK just over a year ago so I need to teach my kids about Martin Luther King Jr.

  2. Thanks so much for this large list! i love the egg demonstration- my kids are very young but i think my 3 year old would be able to really understand that! http://www.handmadeintheheartland.com/

  3. EXCELLENT resources!! We're a homeschooling family based in Thailand so I have been looking for ideas for MLK jr day, these are great!

  4. These are great - love the diversity one!

  5. Thanks for sharing these. Another great activity (especially for older kids) is watching or listening to the "I have a dream" speech. You can find it on YouTube.

  6. What great ideas to help be certain that your child knows what Martin Luther king Jr. Day is truly about...Thanks for sharing!

  7. LOVE this! Love the 2 egg comparison! Thank you so much for sharing on Whatever Wednesday!

  8. Great post! Thank you for linking up at the Blog Strut Blog Hop! I can't wait to see what you link up next week! I would love for you to hop over anytime to Apeekintomyparadise.com and link up with the parties I co-host throughout the week!
    Have a terrific weekend!

  9. Such a great idea! I love MLK Jr. We share the same birthday and I've always been a big advocate for him every year. Now that I have a daughter, this will be a great idea to do every year in his memory. Thank you for this post!

  10. Those are some great ideas. I have older kids and last year my son and I volunteered at the local Food Bank on MLK day. It was very cool and we got to meet the Mayor. He is an Eagle Scout and my son is working towards his, so I was very proud that he went right up and introduced himself and asked the Mayor about his Scouting experiences. It was a great day and our photo was featured on the City's web page.

  11. Great collection of ideas for MLK Jr day. Thank you for sharing them with Cozy Reading Spot!


  12. What a great round up!! Visiting from We Made That Linky Party. I would love to have you share this at my Sharing Saturday party.

  13. These are some great ideas to start getting an idea on a very very very complicated subject. Thanks so much for sharing this list of resources on the #homeschoollinkup!

  14. This is an inspiring collection of MLK activities. My children are young so they're a little too young for these now but I'll pin this for later. I especially love the photo of the crayons all labeled as flesh--that sends such a good message! Thanks so much for sharing this!


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