Here in the Northeast USA, we had a blizzard this weekend. One of those winter days where schools are closed and a state of emergency is declared by the Governor. Yesterday was a perfect day for heading outside to play in the snow in the backyard. That is easier said than done when you have three small children!
So what does it look like getting three kids outside to play in the snow?
9:00- Kids wake up and my husband makes the mistake of telling them they will be going outside to play in the snow today
9:00-12:00- Kids repeatedly ask if it is time to go outside
12:00- lunch, kids occasionally take a breath in between bites of food to ask if it is time to go outside.
12:30- start putting on snowsuits
12:45- get snowsuits on and then Lucas says he has too go to the bathroom
1:00- get snowsuit back on
1:05- Kids have to pose for pictures for Mommy in their snowsuits
1:10- Kids finally head outside
1:15- Kids start complaining that it is cold
1:20- Everyone heads inside and snowsuits come off again

Your kids are SOOO cute! Mine decided NOT to embrace the outdoors, so if you need some ideas on what to do with them indoors, come on over to "Is It Hot In Here?" Menopause, Motherhood & More ( for ideas. Good luck with this icky, icy weather!